'Tis the Season to be Jolly... and also of Parties and Pictures. Ever wonder how certain people always look so put together? It's because they're dressed fashionably and have a well-thought sense of style! Here's a simple guide how to show the best style this Holiday season without looking like a Christmas catastrophe... Follow these easy style steps, to have a fantastic style and a fashionable Holiday Season.
Organize the closet first: You don't know what's in there or it's needed until the closet is purged; so get out all the clothes and decide which fashion pieces are worthy to keep and which ones should be donated. Give away every piece of clothing that hasn't been worn in a year, doesn't fit anymore or is just not-fashionable! Donate all the old fashion pieces to a charity or a second-hand dress store (after all, it is the Season of Giving).
Then look at yourself in the mirror, and as objectively as possible, pick things about your physical appearance, likes and dislikes. What do you want to disguise? Want to emphasize? What's your body type?
Decide what's your Style: What and who's style to emulate? Want to incorporate trendy fashion items into the wardrobe, or do you prefer the classic-style look?
If in need of some new fashions, go shopping: The best thing to do is to buy long-lasting pieces that will retain their class throughout the seasons. Fashion changes very quickly! But, most of all, buy according to what flatters your body shape. Buy some great fashionable shoes, cute accessories and get a new style of haircut! Fashionable handbags, stylish shoes and jewelry is the place to show a sassy side. Being fashionable is being confident (don't ever wear something that doesn't make you feel beautiful).

As a general rule: Do neutral basic pieces (dress, skirt, shirt, trouser) accented by color; color all around screams: "crazy", more than "festive" (besides, people don't need another Christmas tree). Don't be too simple or too flashy.
Black is very classy and fashionable, especially when paired with red or metallic pieces. Brown and Navy, are also great choices, but if you must do color, go for a dress in a very saturated jewel tone, like emerald green, or ruby red; don't color match the accessories to the dress color, go for metallic accents or neutrals.
Make-up is the link that pulls it all together. Don't look over-made, just polished: It can be achieved by just applying foundation, blush (or bronzer) and lip gloss. Do not try to co-ordinate the makeup to the outfit. It sounds like a good idea, but it's not, make-up should flatter the skin tone, not the dress.
The way a partner dresses, will show the overall mood of a couple. Give him a few choices
so he will look just as stylish.
A Warning: Stay away from overly decorated "school-teacher" sweaters (the ones with the snowman and candy cane shaped buttons and matching appliques?) and Color-matching outfits on anybody over the age of 8. Even when taking photos for the Holiday cards, it just looks corny. A similar color scheme, however, looks very nice.
Don't accessorize with "jingle bell" necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc. (we already discussed about leaving the ornaments on the Christmas tree), the festive season can be shown through attitude, and if you really love candy canes, give them away!
Have a great Holiday Season, many blessings!
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